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Podcast-A-Con Presents Blockbuster

Jan 2, 2021

Podcast-A-Con is proud to welcome the award winning author Bobby Nash! Richard Ewell & Matt Henry talk with Bobby about being an author, his extra work on film and television, and his Snow series! 

Use Hashtag #podcastacon to discuss the panels and find like minded people to communicate with!

Official Sponsor Of Podcast-A-Con 2021

Cadaver Candle Company

Twitter/Instagram Handles For Podcast-A-Con & Friends

Podcast-A-Con @podcastacon

Cadaver Candle Co. @cadavercandleco

Richard Ewell @nerdylaser

Spooky Dudes @spookydudes

Fistful of Action @actionfistful/@thefistfulofactionpodcast

Official Voice of Podcast-A-Con Chris DePetrillo @zackmalibu

Jason Doyle @artofjasonwulf

Bobby Nash @bobbynash/@bobbynashwrites

Mika Cosplay @itsmichaelalee/@michaela.lee1



Links 2 Merch!

Jason Doyle

Bobby Nash

Spooky Dudes

Retrofied Magazine

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers vs Freddy Krueger


Podcast Links:

Nerdy Laser

Spooky Dudes

Fistful Of Action

Fully Poseable